
Abeer, the founder, always struggled with dry, itchy skin and limp, lifeless hair. She had tried every shampoo, conditioner, and lotion on the market, but nothing seemed to work. She was frustrated and desperate for a solution. But Abeer always remembered that she never actually faced this struggle in her village in Bekaa where water comes straight from the aquifer, which made her think that maybe it’s the water quality that’s causing her trouble.

In 2021, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She started researching the root causes of skin and hair issues and discovered that the water she were using was full of harmful chemicals and impurities that were wreaking havoc on her body.

Determined to find a solution, she consulted with experts and scientists and discovered the power of shower filters. After rigorous testing and development, she created an advanced, eco-friendly shower filter that not only removed impurities but also added vital nutrients into the water, promoting healthy and radiant hair, skin and nails.

Abeer was amazed at the results and knew she had to share this life-changing product with the world. She founded her own company, dedicated to providing affordable, effective, and environmentally conscious shower filters that would improve the health and well-being of people everywhere starting from Lebanon so she founded β€œVital Shower” and that is how the brand was born.

Abeer is passionate about using innovative technology to improve people's health and well-being so she created the first brand’s product which is a shower filter made with premium-quality materials, easy to install, and designed to provide a refreshing and revitalizing shower experience.

Vital Shower quickly gained popularity in a few salons, and customers raved about the incredible results they experienced after using the shower filter. From glowing skin to luscious locks, the product had truly transformed people's lives.

In 2023, Abeer decided to launch the brand online and expand her offline presence because everyone deserves a great shower experience, and that is what the brand is all about.